Cosplay (Costume Play) means imitating different characters from movies, TV and games, etc. At Comic Con, it’s definitely one of the funnest and most popular features. Several of our visitors come in cosplay and just looking at all the imaginative creations is worth a visit in itself!

At Comic Con Stockholm we offer something for all cosplayers – question panels for the curious, workshops for the beginner and competitions for the pros. You will also be able to visit Cosplay Paradise where you can participate in workshops and meet famous international cosplayers but also more local cosplayers. Together we make Cosplay Paradise an area where both professionals, beginners and the curious can be inspired, socialize and exchange ideas.


sm kval cosplay


At Comic Con Stockholm, a qualifier for the Cosplay SM will be held on Friday, November 1 in collaboration with NärCon. The qualification consists of two categories: craftsmanship and performance. It is possible to participate and win in one or both of the two categories. The judges select one of the contestants as a finalist for the 2025 finale based on equal parts craftsmanship and performance. Anyone who participates in both categories thus has a greater chance of being selected.

More information and registration will come later.

World Cosplay Summit-kval (Duo-tävling)

We are proud to present the Swedish qualifier for the World Cosplay Summit, the world’s largest cosplay competition! The competition has been held in Nagoya since 2003 and has steadily grown with more participating countries. In 2022, 27 countries from all corners of the world participated!

The format of the competition will be a performance competition for couples, the same format as the final competition in Nagoya. The winners of the qualifier will be rewarded with a trip to Nagoya where they will have accommodation and food paid for (value approx. SEK 25,000!), and will be allowed to compete against the winning teams of all other countries. We hope you are as excited as we are to show off what Sweden stands for in the world’s biggest cosplay event! The WCS qualifier takes place on Sunday 3 November.

More information and registration will come later.

wcs kval


Saturday 2 November is the time for our popular cosplay show Heroes Walk On. Here you can show off your cosplay outfit on stage outside of the competition, or just sit back and enjoy all the amazing creations. Since this is not a competition, it is great to have self-created characters, purchased cosplays and own versions of existing characters. It is also fine to go together in a group or to go up on stage individually

How do I register?
We gather 60 minutes before the show at the stage. There you will get a briefing on how the show will go, tell us about which character and from which work you are cosplaying, and then you will get your number in the order of turn.

Walk in our cosplay parade

Welcome to participate in our beloved cosplay parade in collaboration with Swedish Garrison. The parade passes through the hall twice a day. Whether you’re a experienced cosplayer or brand new to the field, this is your chance to show off your awesome cosplay!

The parade is usually one of the highlights of Comic Con Stockholm and is a festive and inclusive event where creativity and passion take center stage. We encourage everyone in cosplay to participate!

The parades depart from Swedish Garrison’s stand and then go through the entire hall. Meeting takes place in good time before the start.

  • Friday 1 Nov: 12.30 and 15.30
  • Saturday 2 Nov: 12.30 and 15.30
  • Sunday 3 Nov: 11.30 and 14.00


Here you can take part in a selection of all the fantastic cosplay at Comic Con over the years.


No one has the right to touch you, hug you or photograph you without your permission. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, tell a volunteer.

Do you want to take a picture?
Ask first!

Together we create a positive and respectful atmosphere where everyone can enjoy their passion for cosplay without fear or discomfort.

Most are happy to be in the picture, but ask before and be respectful!

Not at all! We encourage our visitors to cosplay, with or without the competition.

Your weapon must be allowed according to the Swedish Arms Act, and the law on knives and other objects.

Among other things, the Weapons Act states what is said if firearms also apply to useless weapons that in usable condition would be counted as firearms.

Here you can read the police rules regarding air guns such as soft airguns. It is not allowed to carry soft airgun at Comic Con.

Among other things, the law on knives and other objects states that it is forbidden to have knives, knitting weapons, cutting weapons and other dangerous objects in public places. Examples of knives that are not allowed may be swords, karate sticks or sabers. It is also prohibited with nails, sharp edges or the like on your cosplay.

Approved props

If your weapon does not resemble anything that could be dangerous to others (such as a copy made in papier maché or), you need not worry about breaking any of our rules.

Objects intended as toys for children up to 14 years (eg one-ton plastic water gun) are approved.

Objects that cannot be mistaken for a real weapon (such as a Star Wars lightsaber or a Star Trek phaser) are also approved in the Exhibition Hall.

Weapons on stage and under photo

It is forbidden to have an extended sword / knife replica in the exhibition hall. During photos or on stage it is permissible to pose with a weapon that is allowed under Swedish law but which should not be drawn in the exhibition hall.

The organizer has the right to check your weapon / replica at any time to ensure that it complies with all the rules above.


Yes, there is a dedicated cosplay room where you can change. Please note that we have a bag ban at this event. Read more about the bag ban here. 

There will be high pressure in this room and we recommend that you change as much as possible.

Yes, there is a bag ban. We want to be clear that this is not a decision that we as organizers of Comic Con have made, but the decision to ban bags at major events in Sweden is a decision that the Swedish Police Agency has made based on the increased terror threat level.

We understand that this may be inconvenient and inconvenient for you as visitors and are fully aware that many of you wish to carry bags with your cosplay costumes, personal belongings and the like, but we ask that you please follow these Police Authority guidelines for to ensure a safe and secure experience for all visitors. Read more about the bag ban here.



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